HBF Arena & West Perth Football Club
Department of Finance
$19.8 million
Design & Construct
This complex D&C project revitalised and expanded sporting facilities at HBF Arena.
Delivered in three separable portions in a live operating environment, the project involved:
New facilities for the West Perth Football Club, including function areas overlooking the oval; football development services; player amenities; gym; member areas; and offices.
Renovating existing football facilities, e.g. change rooms, showers and medical facilities.
New four court basketball stadium and support facilities to provide a new home for the Wanneroo Basketball Association, including a clubroom/functions space and balcony, change rooms, first aid facilities, game control room and offices.
The project for being ‘completed on time and on budget’ and cited the ‘quality of finishes’ and EMCO Building’s site supervision as ‘very responsive to requests and issues’.