Alkimos College - Stage 1

Department of Finance
$38 million
Construct only
The first stage of this new secondary school comprises four x two-storey highly specialised buildings of 21,700sqm and quality external landscaping. New facilities included:
Block A – administration building and teaching facilities, including science and chemical preparation classrooms, staff study area, and IT lab
Bock B – includes food technology, textiles, drama classrooms, café and restaurant, food preparation area, cool rooms and freezer, dried goods store, and foyer
Block C – design and technology building, including a metal workshop, wood workshop, welding bays, bus sheds, media classroom, arts classrooms and machinery classroom
Block D – includes a sports hall, general stores, health education classrooms, fitness centre and change rooms
‘EMCO consistently displayed a very organised approach
to the construction and management of (this) complex project. They manage their subcontractors and material suppliers to meet the strict program requirements and the standard of workmanship has consistently been to a high standard.’
Project architect